Our One Year Anniversay

Our One Year Anniversay

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Mike has had a good last few weeks. He did a great job on the last blog entry but is very humble to talk about his accomplishments. With the last break (10/24) he needed a bone graft from his hip and restructure of the bone. The doctors put back in two plates and 14 new screws to give his arm the strength it needs to heal itself. The recovery from this surgery was much easier on him and with less pain. We saw the ortho-surgeon yesterday to get a 2 week post operative update and to get his staples removed. The doctor let me remove the staples (and yes it was fun...not in a cruel way but one less thing to practice when I eventually go to nursing school) and he gave Mike the clearance to use his arm as he wishes...this means he can start some strength training...Mike's really happy about that. He's been on a "no weight baring" order from his doctors up until now. This allows him to final start working out and building back up his muscles.

On another "great" note...Mike has regained about 70% of his facial muscles and nerves back. His smile gets bigger each week and can now close his eye with out using his hand. This is huge! We are now eliminating the possibility of needing the eye surgery. We saw his ENT dr earlier in the week and he is just blown away at Mike's progress. He told us he can now say with confidence that he thinks there's no reason Mike won't get all of his movement back...but if he didn't he looks really good...he looks and sounds "normal". He had also mentioned that Mike's voice is much clearer (almost back to were it was before the accident) although he still can't yell. This is because the right vocal nerve is still paralyzed but the left is compensating quit well.

Mike has also had another great accomplishment. Last night he left to go on his first camp out since the accident with Tommy, Mikey and the scouts. I don't know who was more excited...Mike or our boys. The camp out was suppose to be for our 12-13 year old scout group but had 3 tag alongs, Mikey and two friends (high adventure scouts)..they all wanted to be there for Mike's first trip back.

In the next few weeks we will be celebrating many things. On Thanksgiving Day we will be celebrating Mike's 6 month anniversary of recovery and a few days later we will celebrating out 16 yr Anniversary. Mike and I are grateful everyday to have each other and our family together.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

A Little break...

I went in on my birthday to have the staples removed and we discovered the break. This slows us down alittle but it was better to discover this now instead of later that the bone wasn't healed at the top of the breaks. Good news that all the other breaks have healed and are good. So now I have only 2 plates put back in my right arm. Much better than what was there. I have been very thankful for all the blessings and help I have received. I would not be here doing as well as I am if it were not for our Heavenly Fathers help. I hope that this experience can help us all to grow stronger with our Heavenly Father and our Savior. I would also like to say thank you to everyone out there that has helped my family and I. For all your prayers and support. Thank You.

Steven Has The Chicken Pox

Steven Has The Chicken Pox

Always Holding Hands

Always Holding Hands

Another Broken Bone In The Family

Another Broken Bone In The Family

Larsen Family 10/01/07

Larsen Family 10/01/07
Monterey Bay, California

A Day At The Beach 9/22/2007

A Day At The Beach 9/22/2007
Pacifica, CA

Mike and Sarah

Mike and Sarah
Monterey Bay, CA 10/2007

Million $ Hardware; 19 screws, 2 plates, 1 washer and 1 wire

Million $ Hardware; 19 screws, 2 plates, 1 washer and 1 wire
All of the above are from Mike's right elbow.

The Man of Steal is Back!

The Man of Steal is Back!

Mike's New Break

Mike's New Break

Mike & I @ Girls Camp

Mike & I @ Girls Camp
July 20th, 2007