Our One Year Anniversay

Our One Year Anniversay

Monday, June 11, 2007

Yesterday was a full day for Mike. We met with more doctors and even started physical therapy. The physical therapist came in and showed me some exercises to do with Mike to increase the strength in his arms and legs. She was happy that he has a good range of motion and can preform almost all of the exercises on his own. I will need to help him throughout the day to practice the exercises so he can regain the use of his arms and legs quicker. We can have him do only 5 set on each area and then he needs to rest. Each day they will increase his exercises a little bit more. Needless to say this makes him very tired and sore in his right arm.

Mike was off of the ventilator all day yesterday. They don't think he'll need it much longer. They won't remove the trachea for a week to insure he doesn't have any set backs. This is a big step and can't wait until we can cross it off the list.

I will be meeting with his Doctor from ENT today to discuss the results form his latest CT and possible treatment for his nerve damage to the bone around the right side of his face. This is the side that has nerve damage and is partially paralyzed. He can open and close his eyes and has feeling to his face but can't move the muscles in the check, forehead and lips.

Mike is making improvements each day and loves to see the kids come in, although it's hard for kids to leave and have to go home without dad. The kids will spend Fathers Day with Mike and then at the end of the day will be going down to San Diego spend some time with Roger, Karina and their children. The kids are excited to go down and see their cousins. This will give them a stress free break and allow me to spend all of my attention on Mike with helping him to rehabilitate. I will miss the kids but know they will have so much fun, and they need that right now.

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